Monday, September 26, 2011


Today I want to go a little off topic and discuss my opportunities that I was given this summer being a merchandising/buying intern. Although I cannot disclose the name and extensive details of who I worked for and what I did exactly, I can reassure you it was an amazing experience with a fast paced and growing retail (public) company in my hometown.

The opportunity came to me a year ago, I went through an extensive interview process and was declined the internship due to my school schedule. With advice and determination in hand, I reassured myself that I would reapply in the spring for their summer internship program. With that, I reinterviewed and was granted the internship for this past summer--I was beyond excited and I was the youngest intern they had ever hired! I knew being an intern would gain you many opportunites and experience but I could have never imagined the amount of information, contacts, privledges and everything else in between I would gain through three short months.
(Not going to lie--I did do a little note taking, Starbucks runs, email answering! Fashion isn't always so glam!)

I would advise anyone going through college to experience at least one internship in their feild of study to reassure them of their career path and most importantly gain knowledge and hey--some internships lead into careers after you graduate! I am hoping that will happen for me. This being my first intern experience I hope to experience one on the other end of spectrum--working for a vendor (a company who researches trends, travels all over the world and seeks pricing, etc for clothing and styles and then reports back to companies they work with with samples and pricing). The extensiveness of the fashion industry is more than one could imgaine. The work and time spent on one article of clothing is mind blowing!

All in all, my experience at the company I worked for was one I will never forget. My mentors were amazing and I was honored when I was able to travel to NYC and experience the buyers in action. I was left speechless! I feel so blessed to have been granted this amazing experience this summer. Working full time was tough at times but at the end of the day I knew I was only bettering myself in the long road of life.


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